Welcome to my website! I am an Associate Professor in the Political Science department at Oklahoma State University. My research and teaching interests include interstate and intrastate conflict, terrorism, and environmental politics. My research examines how organizational characteristics and local-level factors affect terrorist behavior. Some of my recent projects have focused on the role of competition on terrorist violence, the spatial attributes of domestic terrorism, and the impact of leadership of terrorist group violence. My research has been published in Conflict Management and Peace Science, International Interactions, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Global Security Studies, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, and Terrorism & Political Violence.
I received my PhD in Political Science (subfield: International Relations) from the University of Iowa in 2010. From 2010-2012, I served as a post-doctoral fellow at Kansas State University. During the 2012-2013 academic year, I was a Teaching Assistant Professor at East Carolina University. Since 2013, I have been a faculty member at Oklahoma State.